Our partners include companies, products, services, small businesses, or other clinics vetted by Dr. Mowery to have integrity. We have negotiated a discount with most of our affiliates to promote you to give them a shot.
Mountain Peak Nutritionals
Click on the logo or use the QR code and use the code provided by Dr. Mowery to get discounts on Mountain Peak products. Mountain Peak was founded by Jim Massey a current elder In the naturopathic profession. Most of their current supplements were formulated by him and I’ve trusted them and had good results with them for years is helping lessen anxiety, improve nutritional status, lessen and help patients improve digestion.
The Best Earthing Grounding Mats
Use Discount Code: PUREHEALTH for 10% off
Studies have shown there is an instant change in measurable voltage and overall impact on healing the body when we touch the earth or touch a high quality grounding tool. Within minutes blood flows smoother from the charges on the outside of the red blood cells leading to a systemic increase in circulation and oxygenation. Other potential benefits are a reduction in anxiety, an in crease in energy, a more balanced blood sugar, and a decrease in pain. One doctor reported to have even observed weight loss (around a lb a week). I’ve been referring to this company for years and they have great customer service.
Affordable Cold Plunge Tank
Use Discount Code: DRTRAVIS48673
A cold plunge is one of many forms of hydrotherapy. I’ve recommended for many of my patients over the years various forms of hydrotherapy. A cold plunge is one of the most affordable ways to get a strong treatment for those who are healthy enough to do so. Working up to doing a cold plunge for 3-5 minutes a day stimulates the release of heat shock proteins and cellular repair. It promotes the production of brown fat and increases the metabolism to burn more calories. It can be a healthy part of a weight loss program (as recommended by your doctor). Use the code DRTRAVIS48673 to get a discount.
Sky Tripping
Sky Tripping is an app I find my self constantly showing to our patients because they feel a difference in their stress and anxiety levels after in under a minute! It is on the TV in our front office waiting room, and it also plays in the background at my home. Try for free, and if you like I’ve negotiated 10% off this very popular App with the developer. It is in my opinion is one of the best meditation/mindfulness apps on the market click the link or banner above to check it out! – Dr. Mowery
Priority One – Professional Grade Nutraceuticals
After using Priority One for several years in my office and personally I have found them to be of the highest quality. They go out of their way to find the best doctors in their fields to formulate for them. There are many great nutraceutical companies on the market today, but out of all of them Priority One is one of the best. – Dr. Mowery
EnviroKlenz – Air Purifier
EnviroKlenz contacted me to check out their air purifier. I have been an IQ-Air fan for years and have recommended them to many patients without even considering if there is any new technology that could improve upon how awesome an IQ-Air purifier is. What impressed me is how EnviroKlenz takes a different approach (a neutralization vs capture filter) and some of the tests I’ve seen showed they can not only hang with IQ-Air but in certain tests can outperform them. They have had the integrity to show what they are better at and what they are not. Please contact me if you want to discuss why a filter might help you and your family but also which one might be the best fit. If you click the link or banner above you will be able receive a discount on a filter for your home and set up a payment plan if you don’t want to pay for it all up front. If you are interested in buying one outright click on the links or top banner, if you are interested in their finance program click on the bottom banner. – Dr. Mowery
When purchasing your first or next juicer I haven’t found a better source for information on the quality and longevity of juicers than John at Discount Juicers. Over the years patients, friends, and family have always asked me what my favorite juicer is and though it can change depending on the application, John is my go-to source for that information. He is constantly comparing juicers side by side to find the best machine on the market. Contact me if you want to know what my current favorite juicer is or if you would like a special discount code John has offered to our patient base. – Dr. Mowery
Vital Choice

With the pollution in our oceans getting worse by the day, Vital Choice does their best to provide you with organic fare harvested seafood. They try to make it as convenient as possible by offering a fast home delivery. If you are not satisfied with their product or integrity they offer a 100% Guarantee to replace or refund your money. They are a leading source of pure, healthy, and sustainable foods.
Nothing is perfect in this world, but this company does everything they can to serve you the cleanest seafood in the most sustainable way. In addition to seafood they also have organic fruits, vegetables, and other environmentally clean meats that have been raised with integrity. – Dr. Mowery
Medicine Talk
We are also an affiliate with Medicine Talk which provides health conscious consumers and those who are determined to improve their state of health trustworthy information about various popular topics which include cancer prevention, adrenal fatigue, thyroid imbalances, natural first aid, etc. The education comes from Naturopathic physicians, Chiropractors, Herbalists, Homeopaths, and other highly trained natural healthcare professionals. The information is convenient to access, easy to understand, and often for free.
Springbok Chiropractic & Wellness
– Brendon Gibb, DC works side by side with Dr. Mowery to help increase the outcomes in all of our patients. Naturopathic medicine combined with modalities such as chiropractic, physical therapy, or massage will give you yield better results and quicker healing times.
The Chiropractic Wellness Institute
– Jeremy Kerrigan, DC specializes in NUCCA which is a gentle approach to balancing the body by specifically focusing on adjusting the first vertebrae and measuring functional changes in the body.
Ian Gerszewski, Au.D. is the best audiologist I know. He has been working to make himself an expert in tinnitus which is something that is ailing young and younger people. We’ve discussed creating a tinnitus program together. Schedule a consult with either of us if you would like to know what factors cause tinnitus and the potential treatment options. www.southbayhearing.com/
For those of you in Utah, Dr. Jereme Sommers is an expert in upper cervical focusing on C1 as well as general chiropractic care. I often get asked if I know of anyone in Utah who might be able to help and Dr. Sommers is who I would recommend. www.neckstoheaven.com